This idea came from our friends
9w2dal for this antenna..he really done it very nice finishing..can say it can stand when hard wind coming..this antenna is dual band, consisted of
3ele. on 15m + 3ele. on 20m..both are MonoBand..trap-less..using
single feeding, 1:1 current balun on 20m Driven element but on 15m by 'open-sleeve' method..very good combination done by
DalBeam..normally people done with
tribander beam..but this is special product done by's was seated on
G-250 the early i think the rotator can't handle this antenna because of weight..but finally the rotator doing a good job..the both antennas can rotate well.. this antenna was given name
D6E2B..i'm very happy to belong this antenna done by
Arrival of the elemens

Assembling works

Assembling works done

1:1 Air cored balun using RG-213

Dal ready to bring down the 2ele.

D6E2B bringing up

Installation in progress by Dal

D6E2B done
once again thanks to are really nice & very good person to done all this things..& you are the greatest person..why i tell like this because to like 'spiderman'..hi hi..anyway, i'm very glad with this set up..& it will QRV during CQWW contest soon..this antenna Powered by DALBEAM..

p/s : the 2ele. ready to let go..
73/88 de 9M2ODY