Every seconds, every minutes, every hours, this table will change depend on the propagations, today i'm not sure wether propagation are improve or not..but i really hope the propagation is improve, so then we can see on the air..hi hi..using phone mode, hard for me nowaday to copy audio station from West like US, Argentina, Mexico etc. i not sure it's because of propagation or my timing..i just leave it & think it's because of propagation..nevertheless, i hope after this propagation improve & make easy for us to know each others on the air..so, we pray together for this propagation will improve soon..Even the propagation are not so good, i would like to say, we just try & try, who knows our luck to see on the air will be fullfill one day..so then, just try our best with no doubt for our white quest Hams Spirit..gud luck & try our best..
73, de 9M2ODY