What Next? This question always playing in my head..Have a look at internet a lots information to do DI Box..I really interested to know it is this thing can be use at this hobby..Clearly Yes, so one day I have talked with a few members from Java Island, which use this thing with his audio gear..Like OM Anton (YB5QZ) used A Design REDDI Box, hi hi..for me it's so expensive..haha..But one day I talked with OM Danny (YC1JDR), he homebrew his DI Box, I really impressed..So, I ask him about the schematic diagram..with hams spirit & humble he send to me the Diagram..Many thanks to him..So, as per you see at above pictures..This is my job from my hand which no expertise in electronic..hi hi..so far it's work well & the most important is KEEP CLEAN SIGNAL in Hammy Radio..Take Care..
**p/s : This is half done, will finish it after receive another 12AX7 socket from Ebay..for sure I will update soon..