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Sunday, January 30, 2011
TS-570D - CAT
At the first, i was manage to buy the Cat cable but when i tried to homebrew the cable & finally i success to make it..so now & so on my ts570d was control by computer..using DB-9 straight cable to com port at computer..the ts570d can do a very good job..can work well using Hams Radio Deluxe or RCP control..you can look video at below to 'walk through' the inspirations..
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sample of audio Hifi SSB (ESSB)
Below are some audio record done by John (NU9N), hope you enjoy with the audio quality..
73/88 de 9M2ODY
2K90J3E or Less - Less 3k (Standard SSB)
3K00J3E ~ 3K90J3E - 3k ~ 3.9k Bandwidth
(eSSB Narrow)
(eSSB Narrow)
4K00J3E ~ 4K90J3E - 4k ~ 4.9k Bandwidth
(eSSB Medium)
(eSSB Medium)
5K00J3E ~ 6K00J3E - 5k ~ 6k Bandwidth
(eSSB Wide)
(eSSB Wide)
73/88 de 9M2ODY
Recording on 40m
With Tx EQ 'Bass Boost'
Audio record done by 9m2bal, thank you very much..after i heard my own audio, i was realize the audio not enough energy & weight..right now i have to do some adjustment on the 'audio chain'..i need to workout on this matter to make sure the audio nice to hear outside there..hi hi..may be a few adjustment on EQ to suit with the current rig (only 2.4kHz bandwidth)..hope after this can get nice audio report from all of you there..
73/88 de 9M2ODY
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
There are many solutions for reduce/cut Mr. Ruffy (RFI) from enter to the transceiver..at the first step, i just make turn & put Toroid Snap at the turn to make RF/humming choke..& the result i got, RFI no more coming into my rig..so, i apply same method to each connections..below are the solution can be use for RFI/humming problem :
1. add Mix #31 Ferrite cores to the Microphone cable at each end, and in the middle..
2. mic cable is wired in a Balanced configuration..
3. change the microphone cable to a good quality cable like Canare or Mogami Starquad.. Whatever brand, be sure to get the Starquad..
4. shorten the mic cable to the minimum length necessary..
5. add a .001uf cap from the #2 Pin to #1 Pin, and a .001uf cap from the #3 pin to the #1 in the XLR connectors of the mic cable for RFI bypass..
73/88 de 9M2ODY
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today, add new 'toy' in my shack..Behringer Shark DSP110 is a last choice to do 'touch-up' on my audio..this 'Shark' can do a lots of function like Down expander, Noise Gate, Feedback Destroy, Compressor, Filter etc..you can click here for more information about this 'Shark'..Honestly, i would to say 'yes' for this 'junk' because with this small physical, it's can do the great job plus also have 'Learn function' how to use this item..It's will automatic setting for you like Noise Gate, Low-cut & Filter by using 'Learn button'..Below is some record for the audio after put DSP110..
Audio record with a few type of TX EQ
73/88 de 9M2ODY
Monday, January 24, 2011
Ts-570d - Audio
This is some of record done by using Tx monitor built-in function at Ts-570d..you can find some different on the audio..Equipments audio chain :
1. Studio condenser mic
2. Mic preamp
3. EQ
4. Audio Balancer & mixer
1. Studio condenser mic
2. Mic preamp
3. EQ
4. Audio Balancer & mixer
Different audio between 2.0kHz & 2.4kHz (if the radio support up to 3.0kHz is better audio)
Different audio with using TX EQ
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73/88 de 9M2ODY
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I have experience using two (2) types of microphone, Dynamic mic & Condenser mic..both have their own performance & ability which is depends on what type of mode or situation..for me, very simple explanations, Dynamic mic just plug & play straight away use & no need power plus a little bit cheap compare Condenser mic need Phantom power (11-52V DC) to switch on the condenser plus slightly high the price..this power come from mixer or preamp which is have Phantom power support..but the performance on Condenser mic much better with nice audio & sensitive..but don't ever under estimate with cheap mic, if use very good set up equipment like preamp, EQ, DSP etc..the cheap mic can be action like expensive mic..i have used Dynamic mic about one (1) year & make me satisfied on their performance..right now, i move to use Condenser mic are to see the performance & report from far stations, how they copy my audio..hope the nice audio report from you soon..
p/s : will upload here the recording audio soon..
73/88 de 9M2ODY
p/s : will upload here the recording audio soon..
73/88 de 9M2ODY
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fill this weekend with my family by bring them go to fishing at river..the distance about 35km from my house..i left this hobby (fishing) almost 20 years ago..but when i got kids, my eldest son (5yrs) ask for fishing..i have no idea at the first time but when i think back, it's was very good idea..so, play around with worm & prawn again now..very happy & enjoy today even doesn't get any fish..may be our 'food' not right..hehe..nevermind, just entertain my kids to enjoy this life..life have to balance with family, radio & enjoyment..hi hi..
p/s : tnx to Dal for a 'gift'..my son really happy..
73/88 de 9M2ODY
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